I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @skulblaka@startrek.website after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Okay, so, I agree with you in spirit, but this sounds like you’re attempting to legislate that social media companies are not allowed to pursue user engagement of their product. Basically telling them that they’re not allowed to seek profit. I don’t actually know how you go about drafting a law that describes this correctly, or how you actually enforce it after it’s in place. Basically every move these companies make would then have to be subject to scrutiny by a court of investigators to see if it falls outside of legal boundaries or not, and said court is statistically likely to be chock full of people that have less than zero idea of what they are actually looking at.

    That particular genie is out of the bottle and I don’t know how we put it back in short of banning social media and/or advertising altogether, which is basically a non starter, that’s not realistically going to happen. I do support this goal but we need to cook this a little more to get an actual solution and not a leaky band-aid.

  • Interesting… The Wikipedia page for Crazy Taxi talks about their lawsuit with Simpsons Road Rage in 2001, for using the overhead arrow among other complaints. But makes no mention at all of Midnight Club, who by 2005 when I got Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition was using that same overhead arrow for in-race directions. I don’t see screenshots of Midnight Club 1 or 2 having the arrow but I can guarantee from personal experience that MC3:DUB did have them. I wonder what happened in those four years that made Rockstar not afraid to use that mechanic, especially as this section on the Crazy Taxi page states

    The case, Sega of America, Inc. v. Fox Interactive, et al., was settled in private for an unknown amount. The 138 patent is considered to be one of the most important patents in video game development.