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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • I’ve said in another comment that you got it wrong and how. It’s the other way around with things not getting updated - the stuff in MacOS is old, not the stuff in FreeBSD. But that doesn’t matter, because what Apple took from FreeBSD it actually does release among other things from time to time under their own license, only it’s of no use for anyone, because their real proprietary strength is the Cocoa layer and GUI. If they used Linux, they would still not be obligated to release the sources for those. I think you see the problem with your reasoning, knowing that.

  • So there were parts of the kernel taken directly from FreeBSD

    That would also be true for Windows NT, and many other systems to be honest, because BSD is where TCP/IP support in Unix originated, it had the best implementation (or maybe not the best, but the de-facto reference one).

    and OSX was designed around it

    No, that’s not true, you are not paying attention.

    It has its userland (that’d be Unix tools like cp, ls and find) from some fossilized version of FreeBSD and not updated a lot since that. It’s not much. How do you think, would FreeBSD benefit from their fixes in ls? It’s the other way around, FreeBSD’s userland is much better.

    Their actual kernel (XNU) sources they, despite not being obligated, release from time to time.

    But say they used Linux, there still would be nothing to force them to release their drivers’ sources or their GUI’s sources (which are closed).

    You could have made your case with Sony (I’m still not sure if that’d be of much use), but not with Apple.

  • I do see why a lot of devs would ask for systemd-init: to just bundle 1 kind of service instead of a gazillion

    How would that work? There were N init systems with one “main” one, now there are N+1 init systems with one “main” one, just different.

    Anyway, init systems for developers being problematic seem for me a nonexistent problem. Writing a systemd unit takes less time than writing this comment with tea and buckwheat with milk as a distraction. Writing a sysvinit script takes something like that too. Same with BSD inits. Same with openrc.

    While combined they take some time, packagers can do that. And even if they can’t, time spent trying to persuade others that systemd makes things easier is orders of magnitude bigger than time spent writing service scripts\templates\units.

  • systemd controversy was never about purism. It was about some piece of software unasked for by the majority of users, including absolute majority of desktop users, being pushed with juvenile means and those disliking that being called words like “luddite”.

    It still is, believe me or not, I probably wouldn’t find anything wrong in systemd (or pulseaudio, or Gnome 3) were it not pushed with that arrogant Apple or MS like approach of “we’ve rolled out this new feature in our system, and you’re a weirdo”.

    Same reason I liked the very theoretical idea of something like Wayland, but Wayland itself I don’t want to even try. Except for the possibility of something like CWM existing for it, that I can set up in 15 minutes with 20 lines of config file without levels of brackets etc (there is actual research as to how many levels various primates can process, chimps can’t go above 3, and I’m apparently as intelligent as a chimp, because neither can I in practice, but so is Linus Torvalds with his famous quote about more than 3 levels of indentation ; the issue is that I don’t want to strain my mind with that either when with a few X11 window managers I don’t have to). There’s none I’ve found yet.

    Their politics trouble me. The technical parts may be sometimes arguable, but what isn’t, our world is created with mistakes as building blocks. But I’ve started using Unix-like systems for the feeling of freedom and patience, and while RH stuff doesn’t take away the former, it infringes on the latter.

  • The last sentence. You can say all you want in social media to blow off steam, but you’ll only make things right in the real world with real power applied. And posting it here you’ve removed yourself from there.

    Social media are not designed to be usable for organizing and combining those crumbs of power we all possess. They are actually designed for the opposite goal - to let everyone receive the dopamin hit from saying what should be done and forgetting it, from dispersing their power as thinly as possible. Look at your (EDIT: the guy I was replying to, didn’t realize you’re different people) 300+ likes, all worthless.

    A self-regulating propaganda device, better than cheap and good brothels everywhere, or cheap alcohol and cheap and legal maryjane. Also alcohol and maryjane reduce one’s labor value, while brothels can have an effect opposite to the desirable (there’s need for validation in the society, thus in hierarchy, which gets reduced by being sexually content). Social media are better in both regards.

  • Shoulda coulda woulda.

    My aunt recently gave me a good advice, and a person in one chat with, I suspect, very interesting expertise gave the same advice in different form.

    Emotions harm reason, and propaganda is not just directed at suppressing or increasing the emotion. It’s directed at making you emotional when you should be patient, and apathetic when you should be emotional, and act when you should wait, and wait when you should act.

    It can easily work since everyone feels their fight of their day to be unique. But it’s not, and more than that - you can always look a few years back and remember that not only was it predicted, but you yourself predicted it.

    By all this smartassery I meant - people making the laws don’t want them to work as we do, and they have sterilized the field. Think further.

  • In 1999 this had already happened, just the information about that explosion hadn’t reached your part of the galaxy yet. Metaphorically.

    I’m thinking about at least Russia (Putin taking power and the second Chechen War), Israel (repatriation and its political turn and its choice of allies in the changed world, Likud taking power), Armenia (Kocharyan taking power, Sargsyan and Demirchyan being assassinated) and Azerbaijan (starting to boycott negotiations and build up oil industry since that time) having made a clear direction change.

    These may not be obviously connected to other things we see, but I think they are part of the same tendency. I think at the same time Microsoft got an anti-monopoly decision saying that documenting Windows interfaces its bundled applications use for independent developers is sufficient for it to not be a monopolist, and Netscape died, and dotcoms crashed, and Linux attained the love of corporations, albeit not so notable yet, while FreeBSD didn’t, and Amiga started dying, and DEC, and Sun received a hit, and one can notice many other things.

    By the way, it’s the favorite thing to say for journalists mentioning it that The Phantom Menace was a bad movie and hated by fans, and Attack of the Clones an even worse one, and Revenge of the Sith kinda better. But these were all political statements (I’m not imagining it because Lucas said that himself many times), and when we treat them as such, they were very good as that - the predictions came out to be correct.

    OK, I might just love Star Wars too much.

    What an infodump.

    I mean, yes, obviously I agree with Agent Smith on that part.

  • The latter hints that it’s an error and not a mistake, and maybe it’ll get fixed, and maybe even with a better license.

    That said, there are a few “winamps” I can install right now (audacious, qmmp, xmms if I bother to compile it and gtk-1.2, bmp if I bother to compile it).

    Something like milkdrop I’d love, but … nah.

    And nah, getting back to MPD with an ed-like “client” (script with mpc) that jumps to the right entry and position by number, by name regex, by “:”-separated time format.