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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I don’t know what “the first bunch” is so I can’t answer that but these are all definitely use while away from the car.

    sorry, I wanted to mean these:

    My car reminds me if the doors are unlocked or left open. I can adjust the charging speed at any time. I can turn on the HVAC and seat heaters before I leave. I can see my current state of charge. I can see exactly what is happening when my alarm goes off


    Is that a real question? You’re going to figure out why your alarm is going off, and if it’s stolen you’re going to give it to the police so they can recover it…

    yes, why do you need a moving, online accessible high quality surveillance camera system is a real question.
    I don’t think you need this to report it to the police, the loud alarm and policeman on the road searching for the stolen car has worked well for decades. or at least I haven’t heard of car theft in… a pretty long time, so long that I don’t even remember.

    I dunno what an “extension” is but pretty sure it doesn’t exist or can’t do these things.

    oh it would exist if laws would force car makers to not place unremovable tracking systems in the car by default.

    but I that being said, think these tings do exist, in the form of little devices thay you can connect to your car’s OBD port, and they have a GPS receiver and a SIM slot to do it’s job.

  • frankly they aren’t good reasons.

    the first bunch provides info and abilities that are only relevant when you are in the car. this is like wanting to know your house’s temperature when you are in the store, or on vacation. what the fuck you do with that information?

    the remaining about the alarm and it being stolen, what are you going to do with this? go after them with your 4th car and a shotgun? let’s hope they did not disconnect the batteries…

    if you absolutely cannot live without these, you should by an extension that does this, instead of forcing this shit on everyone

  • Silliest comment of the week

    People do nothing but incessantly complain about thing- yet still use thing.

    Go ahead and show the alternative, the alternative that has the content we need.

    Before you respond that youtube is an entertainment service, I want to remind you that it isn’t, but that it’s only a part of it. You won’t handwave it away as if we were discussing netflix being enshittified.

    I’m not using youtube for listening to music videos and such things, never were. When I end up there it’s because of a search result showing a relevrelevant video there, like disassembly of this or that, and such.

    News flash folks; You’re never going to win this. YouTube will always be ahead of you on this.

    That’s objectively false. uBlock Origin devs and filterlist makers are doing a very good job.

    Don’t like it, walk away.

    That’s very similar to saying “don’t like your government? don’t like it, walk away, found your own”.
    Yeah, that’s not his it works.

    I bet you would be the first to call those who abandoned youtube as cavemen for not being able to access some video you shared